Things to consider or remember in using a fire extinguisher
We should all have a fire extinguisher in our homes, but having one under the kitchen sink is insufficient. Understanding how to use a fire extinguisher safely in the event of a fire is critical to the safety of your home. If your extinguisher has been gathering dust, here’s everything you need to know before dusting it off and fighting a fire in your home the right way.
Choose the right fire extinguisher
The first thing to understand is the many types of fires, as well as the fact that not all fires are equal. You should be aware of the different types of fires that could occur and ensure that your extinguisher is up to the task.
The most common types of house fires are as follows:
- A Class: Solid combustibles such as wood, paper, and fabric are the ones who fuel these fires.
- B Class: combustible substances such as oil, petroleum, and gasoline are those that fuel these fires.
- C Class: Faulty wiring, fuse boxes, and appliances initiate or fuel these fires.
- K Class: Cooking oils and greases, animal fats, and vegetable fats all start or fuel these flames.
All fire extinguishers are labelled with the kind of fires they are intended to put out. The majority of domestic fire extinguishers are multipurpose and labelled for use in classes A, B, and C. Class K extinguishers are more powerful and must be purchased separately. We recommend this 6-liter extinguisher because it best meets the recommendations of the Fire Department Connection. Symbols on fire extinguisher labels indicate which kinds of fires the extinguisher is made to put out. If any of the symbols has a circle and a red slash across it, it means the extinguisher can’t be used to put out that particular fire.
Fire Extinguisher Ratings
Extinguishers for the home are rated for the size of fire they can safely put out. The greater the fire the extinguisher can put out, the higher the rating comparable to the number of gallons of water it would require.
- The severity of a Class A fire ranges from 1 to 40.
- The severity of a Class B fire ranges from 1 to 640.
- Class C fires have no size classification.
Have in mind that higher-rated extinguishers are frequently heavier, so make sure the size of the fire extinguisher you keep at home is one you can comfortably handle.
How to use a fire extinguisher ?
After you’ve learned about the many sorts of fire extinguishers and how to use them, you’ll need to know how to use one properly. The best approach to be prepared for a fire emergency in your house is to study the procedures below and go over them with your family on a regular basis.
Identify a clear exit/escape route
Be sure you have a clear exit path before using the fire extinguisher. You’ll need to make a safe exit if you can’t put out the fire. When deciding where to put your fire extinguisher, keep this in mind, and make sure you have various exit alternatives nearby once you’ve retrieved it.
Stand back
Keep your back to the clear escape you identified previously and face the fire. As you prepare to use the fire extinguisher, keep a distance of six to eight feet from the flames.
Discharge extinguisher
Because it’s tough to think clearly in an emergency, fire safety has a long-standing acronym to assist you remember how to use your fire extinguisher. When it comes to putting out a fire, you should PASS:
- P: Pull the fire extinguisher’s pin.
- A: Aim the hose’s extinguisher nozzle low, toward the fire’s source.
- S: To discharge the extinguisher, squeeze the handle or lever.
- S: Sweep the nozzle back and forth.
Hold the fire extinguisher pointed at the fire’s base and swing it from side – to – side until the blaze go out.
Keep an eye on things
Continue to monitor the fire area after the flames appear to be extinguished to ensure it does not rekindle. If the fire resurfaces, repeat the PASS procedure.
Call the fire department
If you didn’t get a chance to phone the fire department before using the fire extinguisher, now is the time to do so. They’ll be able to investigate the fire’s location and ensure that it’s totally put out.
Get to a safe place
Leave the site once the fire has been extinguished, or if you are unable to do so, and find a safe location away from the flames.
Common fire extinguisher mistakes
As we don’t get the chance to practise fighting fires on a daily basis, it’s easy to make basic mistakes when the time comes. Understand where the majority of people go wrong so you can avoid making a mistake under duress.
Don’t forget to follow the instructions
Read the operating instructions that come with your fire extinguisher very carefully. Make sure that all of your household’s capable members have read and comprehended the directions. When you practise fire drills and go over your evacuation plan, go through them again.
Don’t use a fire extinguisher that isn’t the right type
Never use a fire extinguisher to put out a fire that hasn’t been classified as such on the label. Most significantly, extinguishers designated for Class A fires can’t be used to put out electrical or grease fires. On the other hand, using an extinguisher labelled for Class B and C fires on a Class A fire is perfectly safe. While Class K fires are technically a subset of Class B fires, additional components in Class B extinguishers might exacerbate Class K fires. Hence, a separate extinguisher for cooking fires will be more appropriate.
Make sure your fire extinguisher is in good working order
The extinguishing chemical in fire extinguishers has an expiration date beyond which it is no longer functional. Keep track of the expiry dates on your fire extinguishers and replenish them as necessary.
Maintenance of fire extinguishers should not be overlooked
The pressure needle on the extinguisher should always point to the green zone. It doesn’t have enough pressure to release the extinguishing agent when it reaches the red zone. Even if the extinguisher has never been used, this can happen. Adding pressure (also known as “recharging”) restores the extinguisher’s functionality, although this is not a do-it-yourself project. The fire extinguisher should be recharged by a professional fire service provider. Handheld fire extinguishers in the workplace must be recharged or checked every six years, according to OSHA. Homeowners can stick to the same schedule.
Don’t forget about exits
When deciding where to keep your fire extinguisher, ensure it is close to exterior doors and easily accessible. Also, think about the most likely spots in a home where fires start and arrange your fire extinguishers accordingly.
Don’t keep it a secret
Ensure everybody in your household is aware of where the extinguishers are stored. Caregivers, house sitters, and other long-term visitors should be aware of the location as well as your whole fire escape strategy.
Contact Nathan Stars, the HVAC designing contractors Dubai, to learn more.
Final Words
Being prepared is the greatest method to keep your house and family safe in the case of a fire. Evaluate when to use a fire extinguisher on a regular basis, and make a note of where each one is located in your home. When you’re facing the stress of a real fire in your house, a little further practicing can make all the difference. Is there anything more we can answer for you? Contact Nathan Star’s MEP Contractors Dubai for solutions to your fire extinguisher inquiries. From fire extinguishers to sprinkler systems, our expertise will help you with your fire suppression system necessities. Reach out to our experts right now!